SCHEDULE 7Combination of polls: Scotland

PART 1Provision about combination

Action to be taken before poll

Postal voting



This paragraph applies where proceedings on the issue and receipt of postal ballot papers are not taken together by virtue of paragraph 2 of Schedule 4 to the 2010 Order.


The form of postal voting statement to be issued to those entitled to vote by post in the referendum must be in the form set out in Form 3 in Part 3 of this Schedule.


Sub-paragraph (2) applies instead of the requirement in rule 12(1)(b) of the referendum rules for a postal voting statement to be in a particular form.


The form of postal voting statement to be issued to those entitled to vote in the Scottish parliamentary election must be in the form set out in Form 4 in Part 3 of this Schedule.


Sub-paragraph (4) applies instead of the requirement in rule 34(1) of the Scottish Parliamentary Election Rules for a postal voting statement to be in a particular form.