SCHEDULE 2U.K.Rules for conduct of the referendum

PART 1 U.K.Referendum rules

Action to be taken before the pollU.K.

Provision of polling stationsU.K.

13(1)The counting officer must provide a sufficient number of polling stations and, subject to the following provisions of this rule, must allot the electors to the polling stations in whatever manner the officer thinks most convenient.U.K.

(2)One or more polling stations may be provided in the same room.

(3)In England, the polling station allotted to electors from any parliamentary polling district wholly or partly within a particular voting area must, in the absence of special circumstances, be in the parliamentary polling place for that district unless the parliamentary polling place is outside the voting area.

(4)In Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, the polling station allotted to electors from any polling district must be in the polling place for that district.

(5)The polling districts and polling places that apply for the purposes of paragraph (4) are—

(a)in Wales, those that would apply by virtue of provision made under section 13(1)(a) of the Government of Wales 2006 in respect of an election for membership of the National Assembly for Wales held on the day of the referendum;

(b)in Scotland, those that would apply by virtue of provision made under section 12(1)(a) of the Scotland Act 1998 in respect of an election for membership of the Scottish Parliament held on the day of the referendum;

(c)in Northern Ireland, those for the time being established under the law relating to local elections within the meaning of section 130 of the Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962.

(6)The number of ballot papers counted or votes cast as certified by the Chief Counting Officer or a Regional Counting Officer or counting officer may not be questioned by reason of—

(a)any non-compliance with paragraph (3) or (4), or

(b)any informality relative to polling districts or polling places.

(7)The counting officer must provide each polling station with however many compartments are necessary in which the voters can mark their votes screened from observation.