Corporation Tax Act 2010 Explanatory Notes

Section 478: Exemption for profits etc of charitable trades

1461.This section sets out the exemption for trading profits of charitable companies. It is based on section 505(1) of ICTA. The corresponding rule for income tax is in section 524 of ITA.

1462.The exemption applies only if the trade is a charitable trade. This is defined in section 479.

1463.There is a difference between this section and the corresponding provision in ITA. Adjustment income (arising, for example, on a change of accounting basis) is an integral part of the trading profits of a company – see section 181 of CTA 2009. Charitable companies are entitled to the exemption on adjustment income on the same basis as their trading profits. The consequence is that, in contrast to ITA, there is no need for a change in the law to establish an exemption for adjustment income.

1464.This section does make it clear that, in the same way as the income tax legislation, post-cessation receipts (arising from what was a charitable trade) are exempt, in line with practice. Post-cessation receipt is defined by reference to Chapter 15 of Part 3 of CTA 2009. See Change 32 in Annex 1.

1465.Exemptions for small-scale trades are dealt with separately in section 480.

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