Explanatory Notes

Policing and Crime Act 2009

2009 CHAPTER 26

12 November 2009

Territorial Extent and Application

Part 8 – Miscellaneous

Chapter 1 – Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups and Criminal Records.
Safeguarding vulnerable groups: England and Wales
Section 83 Monitoring application

516.Section 83 amends provisions in section 24 of the 2006 Act relating to an application to become subject to monitoring. Section 24(1) states that an individual must make a monitoring application in order to become subject to monitoring (in effect register with the Vetting and Barring Scheme established by the Act). Section 24(10) previously provided that the “form and manner” of an application would be prescribed in regulations.

517.This amendment allows the Secretary of State to determine the form, manner and content of the application form. This allows the Secretary of State to amend the application form without needing to make secondary legislation.