Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 12: Certain consents under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989

72.This section transfers to the MMO certain of the functions of the Secretary of State in issuing consents under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989.

73.The functions transferred are listed in subsections (2) to (5) and relate to the construction, extension and use of offshore generating stations and the subsequent enforcement of any consents issued.

74.The MMO will assume the Secretary of State’s responsibility as competent authority for assessing environmental impacts on protected European Sites (subsection (5)(c)) and for satisfying requirements relating to environmental impact assessments (subsection (5)(d)).

75.The MMO will only exercise these functions for offshore generating stations that are not, or in the case of extensions, would not be after the extension has taken place, nationally significant infrastructure projects. Sections 14 and 15 of the Planning Act 2008 define offshore generating stations as nationally significant infrastructure projects if they have a generating capacity over 100 megawatts. The MMO will also not exercise these functions in Scottish waters or in the Scottish part of the renewable energy zone, where Scottish Ministers will continue to perform that role. “Scottish waters”, “Scottish part” and “renewable energy zone” are defined in section 95 of the Energy Act 2004.

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