Explanatory Notes

Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009

2009 CHAPTER 22

12 November 2009

Commentary on Sections

Part 7: Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation

Chapter 1: Establishment, objectives and general duties
Schedule 9: The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation

367.The Chair of Ofqual is appointed by the Crown. The Chair will be known as the Chief Regulator of Qualifications and Examinations. The Government does not intend this title to imply that the Chair has any statutory functions in his or her own right – all the functions in Part 7 are functions of Ofqual itself – but in practice the Chief Regulator is likely to be the public face of Ofqual.

368.The “ordinary members” are appointed by the Secretary of State following consultation (in all usual circumstances) with the Chief Regulator. Paragraphs 2(5) and (6) set out the procedures to be followed if it is not practicable for the Secretary of State to consult the Chief Regulator (because, for example, there is a vacancy) and it is necessary to make the appointment before it would be practicable to do so. Ofqual may appoint one of its ordinary members as the deputy chair. One of the ordinary members must be appointed following consultation with the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, reflecting Ofqual’s responsibilities there. The procedures relating to the removal of members or the removal of the deputy from that office are set out in paragraph 4.

369.Paragraphs 2 to 5 set out the arrangements for appointing the Chief Regulator and ordinary members, the terms of appointments, and the responsibility of the Secretary of State for determining their remuneration, allowances and expenses.