Health Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 34G: Investigations: further provisions

333.Section 34G gives a Local Commissioner various powers in order to facilitate their investigations. The Local Commissioner may require the adult social care provider, or any other person who in the Commissioner’s opinion is able to provide information or documents relevant to the investigation, to provide such information or documents. For example, a local authority or the Care Quality Commission may have information or documents relevant to an investigation under Part 3A.

334.The Local Commissioner has the same powers as the High Court to compel the attendance and examination of witnesses and the production of documents. This means that anyone not complying with the Local Commissioner’s requests may be in contempt of court and subject to the penalties associated with that. Subsection (9) provides that if any person obstructs an investigation, or is guilty of an act or omission in relation to an investigation which would constitute contempt of court in proceedings in the High Court, the Local Commissioner may certify this as an offence to the High Court. The High Court may then deal with the person charged under subsection (9) as though they had committed the same offence in relation to the High Court.

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