Health Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 34C: Who can complain and section 34D: Procedure for making complaints

330.Section 34C provides for the scheme to apply to members of the public who claim to have sustained injustice because of the service provider’s action. It also allows someone to act on a person’s behalf in making the complaint. Section 34D requires complaints to be made in writing. Complaints must be made within 12 months of the complainant first having notice of the matter in question, or, if the person affected has died without having notice of the matter, within 12 months of the person’s representatives (or such other person who is making the complaint) having had notice of it. A Local Commissioner may disapply these requirements. For example, the requirement for the complaint to be made in writing may be disapplied where a complaint is made orally where the service user’s particular circumstances make it difficult for them to put the complaint in writing. A Local Commissioner might also wish to disapply the 12-month time limit where the circumstances of the person affected have made it difficult for them or their representatives to raise the matter within that period.

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