Explanatory Notes

Health Act 2009

2009 CHAPTER 21

12 November 2009

Commentary on Sections

Part 1 – Quality and Delivery of NHS Services

Chapter 1 - NHS Constitution
Section 6:  Report on effect of NHS Constitution

98.This section provides that the Secretary of State must publish a report on the effect that the NHS Constitution has had on patients, the public, staff and carers. Each report is required to be laid before Parliament. The first report must be published no later than 5 July 2012 and subsequent reports are required to be published every 3 years thereafter.

99.The Department intends to use the reports on the effect of the NHS Constitution to assess what further measures are required in order for the NHS Constitution to be effective. The aim of the report is to ensure that all bodies who are required to do so are having regard to the NHS Constitution – and so to the principles, values, as well as the legally-binding rights and the pledges, that the NHS is committed to achieve.