Section 192 and Schedule 8: Tree preservation orders
305.This section, and Schedule 8 which is introduced by this section, make amendments to provisions in TCPA 1990 concerning tree preservation orders. In short, they provide for the transfer of provisions from tree preservation orders into regulations.
306.Subsections (2) to (6) of section 192 repeal various provisions of TCPA 1990 which set out provision that may be included in tree preservation orders, including: (1) provision prohibiting works to trees without the consent of the local planning authority; (2) exemptions which allow works to protected trees without consent; (3) provision regulating applications for consent to carry out works to trees, and appeals; (4) provision for the payment of compensation for loss or damage caused by tree preservation orders.
307.Subsection (7) of section 192 enables these deleted provisions of TCPA 1990 to be replaced by provision included in regulations. For this purpose it inserts seven new sections into the Act. New section 202A makes general provision about the regulations, which would be subject to the negative resolution procedure. New sections 202B to 202G contain additional details about the sort of provision that may be contained in the regulations. In particular, the regulations may include provision about: the form of tree preservation orders; the procedures to be followed where tree preservation orders are to be confirmed; the prohibited activities in relation to trees; applications for consent to carry out works to trees; powers to give consent to works subject to conditions; applying the tree preservation order to trees planted under a condition; appeals against decisions to refuse consent; entitlement to compensation following decisions on applications for consent; and the keeping of public registers containing information on tree preservation orders.
308.Schedule 8 makes further amendments needed to give effect to the transfer of provisions from tree preservation orders to regulations.