Explanatory Notes

Counter-Terrorism Act 2008

2008 CHAPTER 28

26 November 2008

Commentary on Sections

Part 4 – Notification Requirements

Notification requirements

Section 49 – Periodic re-notification

131.Section 49 provides that one year after the initial notification, a notification of change, a notification under this section, or a notification on return after absence from the UK, the individual must re-notify the police of the information specified in section 47(2). The effect of this section is that the person must re-notify their details to the police at least annually. However, the requirement does not apply if an individual is in custody by an order of a court, serving a sentence of imprisonment or detention, detained in a hospital, or detained under Immigration Acts on the date on which they are due to re-notify: in those circumstances the person is required to notify under section 48 (notification of changes) on their release (subsections (2) and (3)). These subsections are to ensure the person is not subject to overlapping requirements.