Part 5Integrated Transport Authorities etc

Chapter 2Arrangements relating to Integrated Transport Authorities

Other powers to make orders about arrangements relating to an ITA

I1I290Changing the boundaries of an integrated transport area


The Secretary of State may by order designate an integrated transport area in England by—


including a county or district in an integrated transport area, or


removing a county or district from an integrated transport area.


No part of an integrated transport area established under this section may be separated from the rest of it by a territory which is part of another local government area but which is not included in the integrated transport area.


Where by virtue of an order a territory ceases to be comprised in an integrated transport area, the order—


must make provision for designating an authority to be a local transport authority for the territory for the purposes of section 108(4) of the TA 2000, and


may transfer functions to that authority from the ITA which was formerly the local transport authority.


Provision made by virtue of subsection (3) may designate different authorities for different parts of the territory.