Part 3Bus services

QCS boards for England and approval by Welsh Ministers in Wales

I124Consideration of proposed schemes by boards

After section 126B insert—

126CRequests for boards to begin consideration etc of proposed schemes


This section applies in any case where—


the proposed scheme is for an area in England, and


the authority or authorities have complied with the requirements of section 125(1) to (3).


If the authority or authorities wish to proceed with the proposed scheme, they must send each of the following to the QCS board as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of the consultation period—


copies of all written responses received from the persons consulted,


information about representations made orally at meetings or other events held by the authority or authorities during the consultation period,


a summary of the action which the authority or authorities have taken to comply with the requirements of section 125(1) to (3).


The authority or authorities must have complied with subsection (2) before they send the board a request under subsection (4).


When the authority or authorities consider it appropriate to do so, they are to send to the board a written request for it to begin the performance of its functions under section 126D in relation to the proposed scheme.


If the authority or authorities send the board a request under subsection (4), they must also—


publish the request,


send to the board a copy of the proposed scheme that it is to consider under section 126D,


if the proposed scheme mentioned in section 125(2) differs from the proposed scheme mentioned in paragraph (b), publish a notice stating where a copy of the proposed scheme mentioned in paragraph (b) may be inspected.


If, following the sending of a request under subsection (4), the authority or authorities—


modify the proposed scheme under section 125(5) or section 126D(7), and


desire the QCS board to exercise its functions under section 126D in relation to the proposed scheme, as modified,

they may send the board a further request under subsection (4).


If at any time the authority or authorities decide not to proceed with the proposed scheme, they must—


give written notice of that decision to the QCS board, and


publish notice that they have done so.

126DConsideration of proposed schemes by boards


Following receipt of a request from the authority or authorities under section 126C(4), the QCS board is to consider the proposed scheme and—


form an opinion whether the conditions set out in the paragraphs of section 124(1) or, as the case may be, of section 124(1A) are met in the case of the proposed scheme;


form an opinion whether the authority or authorities have complied with the requirements of section 125(1) to (3).


If the board is of the opinion that the conditions mentioned in subsection (1)(a) are not met, it may make recommendations as to actions that the authority or authorities might take in response to that opinion.


If the board is of the opinion that the authority or authorities have not complied with the requirements of section 125(1) to (3), it may make recommendations as to actions that the authority or authorities might take in response to that opinion.


If, in performing its functions under subsection (1)(b), the board is of the opinion that any person who was not consulted under section 125(3) ought to have been so consulted, that person has—


the rights of appeal under section 127A that are conferred by virtue of subsection (3)(b) of that section, or


in a case where this section applies by virtue of section 131C(3) (non-exempt proposal to continue scheme), the rights of appeal under section 131F that are conferred by virtue of subsection (3)(b) of that section.


The board is to give notice to the authority or authorities of—


the opinions that it has formed on the questions in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1),


any recommendations that it makes under subsection (2) or (3),


its reasons for forming those opinions and making any such recommendations,

and is to publish a report stating those opinions, recommendations and reasons.


If, in a case where the board makes recommendations under subsection (3), the authority or authorities take the action recommended by the board and publish notice that they have done so, this Part has effect as if—


the authority or authorities had complied with the requirements of section 125(1) to (3) to which the recommendations relate, and


the opinion formed by the board on the question in subsection (1)(b) had included (and had been stated in the report as including) the opinion that the authority or authorities had complied with those requirements.


Following receipt of the notice under subsection (5), the authority or authorities may modify the proposed scheme.


If the authority or authorities—


modify the proposed scheme by virtue of subsection (7) or section 125(5), and


send the board a request under section 126C(4) by virtue of section 126C(6),

this section has effect with such modifications or exclusions as may be prescribed by regulations under section 126E or 133.