Part 5Integrated Transport Authorities etc

Chapter 2Arrangements relating to Integrated Transport Authorities

Power to change name

I197Change of name of ITA


An ITA may, by a resolution in relation to which the requirements mentioned in subsection (2) are met, change the name by which it is known.


The requirements are—


that the resolution is considered at a meeting of the ITA which is specially convened for the purpose,


that particulars of the resolution were included in the notice of the meeting, and


that the resolution is passed at the meeting by not less than two-thirds of the members of the ITA who vote on it.


An ITA which changes its name under this section must—


send notice of the change to the Secretary of State, and


publish the notice in such manner as the Secretary of State may direct.


A change of name under this section does not affect the rights or obligations of the ITA concerned or any other person, or render defective any legal proceedings; and any legal proceedings may be commenced or continued as if there had been no change of name.