Local Transport Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 108: Joint ITA-London charging schemes

265.This section inserts a new section 166A in the TA 2000. The new section specifies that a joint ITA-London charging scheme can be made only if:

  • all of the roads included within the scheme have one of the charging authorities as their traffic authority;

  • the scheme includes roads in relation to which a London traffic authority may impose a charge under Schedule 23 to the GLA Act 1999; and

  • at least one of the roads included within the scheme is within the integrated transport area of the relevant ITA.

266.The new section 166A also provides that a local charging scheme may be made jointly by one or more local traffic authorities, an ITA and one or more London traffic authorities only if it directly or indirectly facilitates the achievement of the local transport policies of the local traffic authorities by which the scheme is made, the local transport policies of the ITA, and the policies and proposals set out in the Mayor’s transport strategy.

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