Explanatory Notes

Serious Crime Act 2007

2007 CHAPTER 27

30th October 2007

Commentary on Sections

Part 4: General and Final Provisions

Section 94: Commencement

329.This section provides for commencement. Subsection (1) provides that the provisions of the Act will be brought into force by means of commencement orders made by the Secretary of State, with the exception of the sections listed in that subsection and sections 94 and 95, which will come into force on Royal Assent, and the provisions listed in subsection (4), which are to be brought into force by Scottish Ministers. Subsection (2) requires the Secretary of State to consult the Scottish Ministers before making an order under subsection (1), in relation to section 75(1), paragraph 2 of Schedule 10 or paragraph 24 of that Schedule. Subsections (3) and (4) provide that the provisions listed in subsection (4) will be brought into force by orders made by Scottish Ministers.