Explanatory Notes

Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007

2007 CHAPTER 15

19th July 2007

Part 3: Enforcement by Taking Control of Goods

Commentary on Sections: Part 3

Section 77: The rent recoverable

373.This section sets out the conditions that must be met for the right to CRAR to become exercisable. The conditions are:

374.The requirement that the net unpaid rent must equal or exceed the prescribed minimum is a condition that must be satisfied at two stages: first, before the landlord gives notice of enforcement and, second, before he takes control of goods under Schedule 12. This means that the landlord will need to recalculate the “net unpaid rent” immediately before he takes control of goods. If the recalculated figure is lower than the prescribed minimum, it will not be permissible for the landlord to proceed to take control of goods.

375.The “net unpaid rent” is the amount of unpaid rent less any interest or VAT that may be payable on that amount and less any “permitted deductions”. Permitted deductions from rent are deductions that a tenant is presently entitled to make from his rent under statute, at common law and in equity. Examples include sums that may be deducted or recouped from, or set off against, rent:

376.The amount of rent that a landlord is entitled to recover by CRAR is the amount of unpaid rent less any permitted deductions that the tenant is entitled to make against that rent.