Animal Welfare Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections


Section 60: Crown application

218.Under subsection (1) the Act and regulations made under it, once enacted, apply to the Crown. This means that they will bind all Government departments and other public bodies that are part of the Crown. It will not be possible for the Queen herself to be personally sued or prosecuted under the Act, as the courts are the Queen’s Courts and consequently have no jurisdiction over her personally.

219.In accordance with normal practice, subsection (2) provides that the Crown is not subject to criminal liability if it contravenes the requirements of the Act. Instead, the court has power to make a declaration that the conduct is unlawful.

220.Under subsection (3) the fact that the Crown cannot itself be found criminally liable under the Act does not prevent criminal convictions being made against individuals, such as civil servants who are in the service of the Crown as public servants. They can be prosecuted under the Act in the same way as private individuals, private organisations and their staff.

221.Subsections (4) and (5) provide that powers of entry conferred under the Act may not be exercised at specified premises held or used by or on behalf of the Crown if the Secretary of State certifies that this would be contrary to the interests of national security.

222.Subsection (6) disapplies the powers of entry granted to constables and inspectors under the Act in respect of land belonging to Her Majesty as Her private estates. Offences under this Act may still be committed on Her private estates, but in the interests of security, constables and inspectors will require permission to enter Her land. Subsection (7) defines Her Majesty’s private estates.

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