Please note:
All reference to 'Parts' and 'sections' are from the Education and Inspections Act 2006. For other versions of these Explanatory Notes, see More Resources.
Part 2: Establishment, Discontinuance Or Alteration of Schools in England
Section 7: Invitation for proposals for establishment of new schools
Section 8: Proposals under section 7 relating to community or community special schools
Section 9: Consultation and publicity in relation to notice and proposals under Section 7
Section 10: Publication of proposals with consent of Secretary of State
Section 11: Publication of proposals to establish maintained schools: special cases
Section 13: Schools established outside area of relevant LEA
Section 14: LEA in England not to establish a school in Wales
Section 16: Consultation in relation to proposals under section 15
Section 17: Direction requiring discontinuance of community or foundation special school
Section 19: Publication of proposals for alteration of school
Section 20: Restriction on power of governing body to publish foundation proposals
Section 22: Right of governing body to determine own foundation proposals
Section 23: Rights of interested bodies in relation to proposals under section 21
Section 25: Proposals for removal of foundation or reduction in foundation governors
Section 28: Restriction on establishment, alteration or discontinuance of schools
Part 3: Further Provisions about Maintained Schools
Section 34: Parents councils for certain foundation or foundation special schools
Section 35: Funding of voluntary aided schools: meaning of ‘capital expenditure’
Section 37: Staff at foundation or voluntary schools with religious character
Section 38: General duties of governing body of maintained school
Section 43: Duty of governing body to implement decisions relating to admissions
Section 45: Admission arrangements for schools with religious character: consultation and objections
Section 46: Restriction on alteration of admission arrangements
Section 48: Looked after children to whom section 87(2) of SSFA 1998 applies
Section 49: Procedure for giving direction under section 96 of SSFA 1998
Section 50: Direction to admit looked after child to specified school
Section 51: Directions to admit child to specified school: supplementary provisions
Section 52: Power of Assembly to make regulations about looked after children
Section 53: Schools with pre-1998 arrangements for selection by ability or aptitude
Section 55: Right of sixth-form pupils to be excused from attendance at religious worship
Part 4: Schools Causing Concern
Section 59: Meaning of "maintained school" and "eligible for intervention"
Section 63: Power of LEA to require governing body to enter into arrangements
Section 64: Power of LEA etc. to appoint additional governors
Section 65: Power of LEA to provide for governing body to consist of interim executive members
Section 66: Power of LEA to suspend right to delegated budget
Section 67: Power of Secretary of State to appoint additional governors
Section 68: Power of Secretary of State to direct closure of school
Section 70: Governing bodies consisting of interim executive members
Schedule 6: Governing bodies consisting of interim executive members
Schedule 7, Part 1: Amendments relating to schools causing concern
Part 6: School Travel and School Meals
Section 76: LEAs in England: duty to promote sustainable modes of travel etc
Section 77: LEAs in England: provision of travel arrangements etc for children
Schedule 8: Travel to schools etc: meaning of eligible child
Section 80: Power to repeal school travel scheme provisions etc
Section 82: Amendments of section 444 EA 1996 relating to school travel
Section 83: Learning and Skills Council for England: transport etc for persons of sixth form age
Section 85: Further amendments relating to travel to schools etc.
Section 86: Provision of food and drink on school premises etc.
Part 7: Discipline, Behaviour and Exclusion
Section 89: Determination by head teacher of behaviour policy
Section 92: Enforcement of disciplinary penalties: detention outside normal school sessions
Section 96: Repeals consequential on provisions of Chapter 1
Section 98: Parenting orders in cases of exclusion or misbehaviour
Section 99: Parenting contracts and parenting orders: further provisions
Section 100: Duty of governing body or proprietor where pupil excluded for fixed period
Section 101: Duty of local education authority in relation to excluded pupils
Section 105: Penalty notice in respect of presence of excluded pupil in public place
Section 107: Penalty notices: amendments of Police Reform Act 2002
Section 108: Removal of excluded pupils to designated premises
Section 111: Meaning of “maintained school" and "relevant school" in Chapter 2
Chapter 1 – The Office and the Chief Inspector
Section 112: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
Schedule 11: The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
Section 113: Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills
Section 114: Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education, Children’s Services and Skills
Section 115: Further provision about Chief Inspector and other inspectors etc.
Schedule 12, Part 2 – Inspectors etc. acting on behalf of Chief Inspector
Section 121: Annual report and other reports to Secretary of State
Chapter 3 – Inspection of Further Education and Training etc
Chapter 4 – Inspection and review of Local Authorities in England
Chapter 6 – Further provisions relating to functions of Chief Inspector
Section 160: Power of Chief Inspector to investigate complaints by parents about schools
Section 161 and Schedule 16: Powers to facilitate innovation
Section 164: Provision of information about children receiving funded education outside school
Section 165: Power of members of staff of further education institutions to use force
Section 166: Collaboration arrangements: maintained schools and further education bodies
Section 168: Maintained nursery schools: amendment of sections 496 and 497 of EA 1996
Section 169: Prohibition on participation in management of independent school
Section 170: Prohibition on participation in management: supplementary
Section 171: Prohibition on participation in management; transitional provisions.
Section 174: Time limits relating to statements of special educational needs
Section 175: Miscellaneous amendments relating to schools in Wales
Section 176: Support schemes relating to education and training for persons aged 10 to 15
Section 177: University bodies: amendments of section 29 of Leasehold Reform Act 1967
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