Commons Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Section 13 Surrender and extinguishment

83.At common law, a right of common could cease to exist by being surrendered by its owner (usually by a deed of release) or by being extinguished by operation of law. Section 13 requires the surrender of any right of common to be effected in a prescribed form, and delays the effect of the surrender until the right has been deleted from the commons registers. Subsection (3) provides that any other common law mechanism by which registered rights of common may cease to exist is abolished. These mechanisms are believed to comprise:

  • Unity of ownership (or unity of seisin): where the common land and the right come into the same ownership (typically, where the dominant tenement to which a right is attached is acquired by the owner of the common), then the right is extinguished. The effect of subsection (3) is that rights acquired by the owner of the common will be exercisable by that person in the same way as the rights were exercisable by their former owner.

  • Abandonment: where the owner of the rights can be shown to have irrevocably turned away from the use of the rights.

  • Implied release: where a collective release of rights can be inferred over part of the common, typically where that part is inclosed by encroachment and the commoners acquiesce in the loss.

  • Alteration to the common, comprising destruction of the common land (such as where the land is reclaimed by the sea) or exhaustion of the product (such as peat which is subject to rights of turbary).

  • Alteration to the dominant tenement, comprising the demolition (without replacement) of a building to which rights (particularly rights of turbary) are attached, or the conversion of land to which rights (such as grazing) are attached to a use incapable of benefiting from the right (such as a reservoir).

84.These mechanisms are considered to be either redundant or of doubtful relevance where the existence of common land, and rights of common, is recorded in statutory registers. The powers in section 13 will provide a mechanism to extinguish rights of common.

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