Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 835: Relief for delayed remittances

3106.This section allows income chargeable to tax for a tax year on the remittance basis to be reduced by sums which, for reasons outside the taxpayer’s control, could not be remitted in an earlier tax year (“delayed income”). Those sums are then treated as remitted in the year in which they arose and taxed for that year. The section is based on section 585 of ICTA.

3107.Paragraph 151(1) of Schedule 2 to this Act ensures that a claim under this section covers income which arose in a tax year before 2005-06.

3108.A claim may be made in respect of some or all of the delayed remittances. See Change 136 in Annex 1.

3109.Condition B, for income being delayed income, refers to the impossibility of obtaining currency in the territory in question and makes explicit that this means currency that can be transferred to the United Kingdom (whether the currency of that or another territory). See Change 135 in Annex 1.

3110.The source legislation refers to “foreign currency”. This means a currency other than the currency of the territory in question. Since the local currency must be obtainable, it is superfluous to add that currency not obtainable is ‘foreign’.

3111.The requirement in the source legislation, that the inability to transfer the income to the United Kingdom was not due to any want of reasonable endeavours on the part of the claimant, is omitted. See Change 135 in Annex 1.

3112.For periods preceding Self Assessment the basis year may be different from the tax year. Section 585(3) to (5) of ICTA contains rules which cater for that possibility. By 2005-06 no claim will be possible for a period preceding Self Assessment. For periods of Self Assessment the basis period is always the tax year, whether the amount chargeable is calculated by reference to the income arising or remitted. The rules in section 585(3) to (5) of ICTA have therefore not been rewritten in this Chapter. (But see paragraph 151 of Schedule 2 to this Act, which applies the rules where a claim is made under this Chapter and the tax year in which the income arose was 1996-97 or earlier.)

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