Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 7: Income charged under this Act: rent-a-room and foster-care relief

Chapter 2: Foster-care relief
Section 824: Capital allowances: introduction

3047.This section is the first of four sections that deal with the capital allowances aspects of foster-care relief. It is based on paragraphs 16 and 20 of Schedule 36 to FA 2003.

3048.The section introduces key terms and links the language of this Chapter with that of CAA: the language and concepts have to link directly with those of CAA. The “chargeable period” mentioned in subsection (2)(a) is an example. In CAA “chargeable period” does not necessarily mean, for individuals, “tax year”. It can mean (for trades) “period of account” (section 6(1) of CAA). Subsection (3) provides the link so that the provisions work properly.

3049.The overall effect of the four capital allowances sections is that, in tax years when either form of foster-care relief applies, capital allowances and balancing charges are not relevant.

3050.Unlike paragraph 16 of Schedule 36 to FA 2003, the capital allowances sections in this Chapter make no reference to the rules that apply when the foster care does not amount to a trade and the foster-care receipts are chargeable under Schedule D Case VI. That is because an arrangement to provide foster care is not a qualifying activity within section 15(1) of CAA and therefore the question of capital allowances and balancing charges cannot arise.

3051.Dropping these references will have no practical effect because entitlement to an allowance or liability to a balancing charge does not arise from Schedule 36 to FA 2003 but from CAA. The references in Schedule 36 to FA 2003 are, however, potentially confusing and removing them makes the rewritten legislation clearer.