Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 793: Full rent-a-room relief: property income

2959.This section provides for full relief when the rent-a-room income is property income. It is based on paragraph 9 of Schedule 10 to F(No 2)A 1992.

2960.Subsection (3) states explicitly what is merely implicit in the source legislation. That is, in calculating the profits of a property business, no capital allowances or balancing charges are to be made in respect of rent-a-room related assets.

2961.This form of the rule is needed because the rent-a-room letting may be part of a property business comprising other lettings. Tax under Part 3 of this Act is charged on the profits of a UK property business, which may include activities other than rent-a-room lettings. Section 793 cannot treat the profits of the whole UK property business as nil, but instead expressly excludes all amounts relating to rent-a-room activities from the calculation of the profits of the UK property business. Those amounts include capital allowances and balancing charges which relate to rent-a-room lettings and, accordingly, section 793(3) excludes them.

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