Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 6: Exempt income

Chapter 8: Other Annual Payments
Section 740: Conditions to be met where policies are linked

2826.This section contains the last of the four conditions referred to in section 735(1)(c). It is aimed at preventing abuse of the exemption where a person is insured under more than one policy. The section is based on sections 580A and 580B of ICTA.

2827.Subsections (2) and (3) ensure that any difference in benefits payable for ill-health or loss of employment which arises simply because benefits under another policy are taken into account may be ignored. The source legislation, in section 580B(3)(d) of ICTA, refers to benefits “receivable by or in respect of any person” which reduce other benefits “payable to or in respect of that person”. There does not appear to be any significance in the change from benefits “receivable” to benefits “payable”. Subsection (3) refers to benefits “payable” throughout.

2828.Section 580B(4) of ICTA is not rewritten as it seems unnecessary to state that the terms of a policy include terms fixing the premium or otherwise in respect of insurance against risk.