Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 668: Reduction in share of residuary income of estate

2544.This section provides that the share of the residuary income of the estate of a person with an absolute interest is reduced at the end of the administration period in certain circumstances. It is based on sections 4 and 697 of ICTA.

2545.This is beneficial to a person with an absolute interest because a lower share of the residuary income results in a lower (or no) assumed income entitlement. The section ensures that the beneficiary is not charged to tax on more income than he or she actually enjoys. The reduction may apply where, for example, the debts of the estate exceed the amount ultimately realised from the capital assets available for their payment and so part of the income received from the assets is also used, leaving only part available for the residuary beneficiary.

2546.Subsection (2) and (3) provide that if there is an excess within subsection (1), that excess is available to reduce the person’s share of the residuary income in the final tax year. If that share is reduced to nil then any remaining excess is available to reduce the share of the residuary income in the previous tax year and so on.

2547.Subsection (5) provides that, for the purposes of subsection (1)(b), a sum paid during the administration period is grossed up by reference to the basic rate for the tax year in which it was paid in the case of UK estates. And it provides that a sum payable at the end of the administration period is grossed up by reference to the basic rate for the final tax year in the case of UK estates. Section 4(1) of ICTA provides that any provision requiring, permitting or assuming the deduction of income tax shall be construed as referring to deduction or payment of income tax at the basic rate. This has been made explicit in subsection (5) itself.

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