Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 5: Miscellaneous income

Chapter 2: Receipts from intellectual property
Section 591: Non-UK resident sellers: election for spreading

2301.This section sets out how non-UK residents are taxed on capital sums from the sale of patent rights where the sale proceeds are not received in instalments. It is based on sections 69 and 524 of ICTA.

2302.Subsection (1) provides that the whole amount chargeable is taxed for the tax year in which the proceeds are received. This is subject to an election for spreading in subsection (2).

2303.Subsection (2) enables the person chargeable to elect to be taxed over six tax years beginning with the tax year in which the proceeds of sale are received. This has been brought into line with section 590 which covers UK residents. Section 524(3) of ICTA provides that if a non-UK resident chargeable to tax makes an election, the proceeds received are treated as if they were chargeable to tax over six years and the liability is calculated as though the sum were spread over six years. But the effect is the same and there is no reason why the wording in these two sections should not be consistent. However, the source legislation would have been interpreted in this way so this clarification does not amount to a change in the law.

2304.Subsection (3) sets out the time limit for making an election under subsection (2) to the Inland Revenue. The reference in section 524(4) of ICTA to “the Board” has not been reproduced. Section 878(4) of this Act draws attention to the rules in TMA, which apply for the purposes of this Act. Those rules require elections to be made to “an officer of the Board”. See Change 149 in Annex 1.

2305.Section 524(10) of ICTA is not rewritten. Section 524 of ICTA prescribes particular tax treatments with alternatives available by election. Section 524(10) of ICTA requires claims for relief under that provision to be made to the Board. The claim referred to in subsection (10) relates to capital sums received from the sale of patent rights to be spread over six years for the purposes of charging the sum to tax. As spreading is automatic for UK residents, the claim can only be relevant to non-UK residents. However, section 524(1) of ICTA refers to “a claim” and section 524(4) of ICTA, which deals with “spreading” rules for non-UK residents, refers to “the election”. Section 524(10) of ICTA is, therefore, superfluous.