Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 399: Qualifying distributions received by persons not entitled to tax credits

1613.This section deals with the tax treatment of qualifying distributions received by persons not entitled to a tax credit (for example, because they are non-resident and do not fall within the definition of “eligible non-UK resident”). As mentioned in the commentary on section 397(3), a person may be entitled to a tax credit whose value is nil. The person is nevertheless entitled to a tax credit and therefore this provision does not apply to such a person. It is based on section 233(1) and (1A) of ICTA.

1614.Subsection (2) provides that the non-UK resident is treated as having paid income tax at the dividend ordinary rate (Schedule F ordinary rate in the source legislation) on the amount or value of the distribution.

1615.The amount or value of the distribution will either be the actual amount of the distribution (if the person is a non-UK resident company receiving the qualifying distribution in a beneficial capacity) or that amount is “grossed up” by reference to the dividend ordinary rate. Subsections (3) and (4) explain when the grossed up amount (as defined in subsection (5)) is substituted for the actual amount.

1616.The words “not being a company resident in the United Kingdom” in section 233(1) of ICTA and “any person who is not a company” in section 233(1A) of ICTA create the same difficulties as those in section 231(3) of ICTA. So this section follows a similar approach to that taken in section 397(2) by rewriting sections 233(1) and 233(1A) of ICTA without any exclusion for companies. See Change 84 in Annex 1.

1617.Section 233(1)(c) of ICTA treats the amount or value of the distribution as not brought into charge to tax for the purposes of sections 348 and 349 of ICTA. Section 233(1)(c) of ICTA is not rewritten in this Act. But rather than leaving the provision “stranded” in section 233 of ICTA, it has been incorporated in section 348 of ICTA as paragraph (a) of a new subsection (4) (see paragraph 147(3) of Schedule 1 to this Act).

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