Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 393: Later charge where cash dividends retained in SIPs are paid over

1586.This section is based on section 251B of ICTA.

1587.The trustees of the scheme may only hold on to a cash dividend and carry it forward for three years from the date the dividend is paid by the company. Additionally, any amount not reinvested must be paid to the participant if the participant ceases to be in “relevant employment” or if a termination notice is issued in respect of the plan (see paragraph 68(4) of Schedule 2 to ITEPA).

1588.Subsection (2) ensures that in any of these circumstances, the participant is charged to income tax for the tax year in which the dividend is paid over.

1589.Tax is charged on the amount of the cash dividend paid over and not on the amount of the cash dividend originally paid by the company (subsection (3)).

1590.Whether the participant is entitled to a tax credit and, if so, the amount of it, is determined by reference to the tax year in which the cash dividend is paid over by the trustees and not by reference to the tax year the company actually paid the dividend (see subsection (5)).

1591.Section 251B of ICTA is rewritten so that the original tax charge is postponed (contrast section 394 which deems a further distribution to be made). This approach has rendered the phrase “except to the extent that it represents a foreign cash dividend” redundant. In effect, the cash dividend paid over by the trustees does not lose its original character as either a cash dividend paid by a UK resident company (in which case it is dealt with under this Chapter) or a cash dividend paid by a non-UK resident company (in which case it is dealt with under Chapter 4 of Part 4 of this Act).

1592.But the definition of “foreign cash dividend” in section 251D of ICTA does suggest that it is the date that the company originally paid the dividend that determines, under the source legislation, whether the tax charge falls under Schedule F (if UK resident company) or Schedule D Case V (if non-UK resident company). This is rewritten in subsection (6).

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