Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 4: Savings and investment income

Chapter 2: Interest
Section 369: Charge to tax on interest
Open-ended Investment Companies

1495.The definition of an open-ended investment company in section 468(10) of ICTA carries a limitation that the company should be incorporated in the United Kingdom under the OEIC regulations of 1996. Section 468(10) of ICTA is inserted in section 468 of ICTA by Regulation 10(4) (Open-ended Investment Companies (Tax) Regulations 1997 SI 1997/1154). All open-ended investment companies within the definition in section 468(10) of ICTA are therefore subject to the company residence rule in section 66 of FA 1988 (“regarded for the purposes of the Taxes Acts as resident”). Open-ended investment company interest distributions treated as made by a UK resident company will be UK source income. Although, as explained in connection with industrial and provident societies, it may be theoretically possible for section 249 of FA 1994 to make such companies non-resident, this is most unlikely in practice.