Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 494: The total allowable deductions for a policy or contract

1950.This section is based on sections 541, 543, 545 and 548 of ICTA.

1951.Step 1 in subsection (1) lists amounts to be taken into account as deductions. Paragraph (a) deals with the vast majority of cases, where the only item to be taken into account is the total of premiums paid before the chargeable event. See also section 546 (table of provisions subject to special rules for older policies and contracts).

1952.Step 2 in subsection (1) reduces the total allowable deductions for a purchased life annuity by the exempt amount (or capital element) in payments to date. The exempt amount is determined under Chapter 7 of Part 6 of this Act and (as regards the capital element) under ICTA as appropriate (see the commentary on section 473).

1953.Paragraph (b) in Step 1 deals with the repayment of loans which were treated as a part surrender of the rights under the policy or contract.

1954.Subsection (2) caters for assignments for money or money’s worth of capital redemption policies. In the case of such assignments paragraph (a) in Step 1 in subsection (1) applies to the price paid in respect of the most recent such assignment instead of the premiums paid before that assignment.

1955.Subsection (3) makes clear that premiums etc. paid in respect of a related policy (as defined in section 491) are included in the calculation of total allowable deductions.

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