Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 469: Two or more persons interested in policy or contract

1882.This section, together with sections 470 to 472, is based on section 547A of ICTA. These sections deal with cases where the rights in a policy or contract (or a share in those rights) are held immediately before the chargeable event:

  • by more than one person;

  • by one person in respect of different shares held in different capacities; or

  • on non-charitable trusts created by two or more persons.

1883.The most common instance of this is where a husband and wife are co-owners of a policy or contract.

1884.The section apportions the gain in proportion to the “material interest” of each person with such an interest (see section 470). It treats each person with a material interest separately, for the purpose of assigning liability to tax etc, disregarding for this purpose how the Chapter applies in respect of a material interest held by another person. It also apportions deficiencies for the purposes of the relief given by section 539.

1885.Although the source legislation has effect for the purposes of section 547 of ICTA only, this section operates by reference to provisions that apply for the purposes of the Chapter. As a result of the significant reordering of the source legislation when rewriting it, section 547 of ICTA is the basis of numerous sections at various locations. The application of this section to sections that operate in a Chapter-wide context is a necessary consequence of the rewrite of section 547 of ICTA.

1886.Subsection (6) applies the section to someone who has two or more interests in a policy or contract exactly as the section applies where two or more persons have such interests. For example, a person may hold one interest beneficially and the other as a trustee. Each of those interests is treated separately. But there is an exception where all the material interests are held by that person only (that is, the interests are not shared) and are held in the same capacity. For example, one share may be beneficially owned by A, but held in a trust, and another share held by A absolutely. Both shares are held in the same capacity.

1887.Subsection (7) is similar in effect to the equivalent subsection in section 464 and section 468. See the commentary on section 464.

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