Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 279: Sums payable instead of rent

1126.This section deals with cases where a payment is made instead of rent for some or all of the duration of a lease. It is based on sections 34(1), (4), (6) and (7A) and 37(2) of ICTA.

1127.Section 34(1) of ICTA applies if the duration of the lease is not more than 50 years. But section 34(4)(a) of ICTA provides that any period other than that in relation to which the sum is payable in lieu of rent must be ignored in arriving at the duration of the lease. So for the purposes of section 34(4) of ICTA the duration of a lease cannot be longer than the period in respect of which the sum is payable instead of rent. Subsection (1) makes clear that –irrespective of the length of the lease – the payment of a sum instead of rent for a period of not more than 50 years is within the scope of this section. See Change 68 in Annex 1.

1128.Subsections (2) to (4) of this section are drafted on the same basis as subsections (2) to (4) of section 277.

1129.Subsection (2) treats a person to whom a sum is due instead of rent as entering into a transaction mentioned in section 264 (if the land to which the lease relates is in the United Kingdom) or section 265 (if the land to which the lease relates is outside the United Kingdom). The effect of sections 264 and 265 is that the transaction will be included in, or will constitute, the person's UK or overseas property business.

1130.Section 34(1) of ICTA treats income in the hands of a landlord as received when the lease is granted. There is no corresponding rule for non-landlords in section 34(6) of ICTA. This section instead requires the person carrying on the property business (whether or not that person is the landlord) to bring an amount into account in calculating the profits of that business for the tax year in which the sum instead of rent is payable. See Change 69 in Annex 1.

1131.The formula in section 34(1) of ICTA calculates the amount treated as received by way of rent by reference to the duration of the lease. Section 34(4)(a) of ICTA says that in computing the profits of the business any period other than that in respect of which the sum is paid instead of rent must be ignored. So in calculating the amount to be treated as rent in respect of a sum within section 34(4) of ICTA, the duration of the lease for the purposes of the formula in section 34(1) of ICTA must be adjusted in accordance with section 34(4)(a) of ICTA.

1132.Subsection (6) combines the requirements at sections 34(1) and (4)(a) of ICTA so that the period used in the formula in subsection (5) is the shorter of the period for which the payment is made and the period from the beginning of that period to the end of the effective duration of the lease.

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