Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Trading income

Chapter 5: Trade profits: rules allowing deductions
Section 61: Tenants occupying land for purposes of trade treated as incurring expenses

249.This section treats a tenant under a lease in respect of which an amount is brought into account by the landlord under sections 277 to 282 (a “taxed lease”) as incurring an expense for each day on which the property held under the lease is occupied for the purposes of his or her trade. It is based on section 87(2),(3) and (9) of ICTA.

250.Sections 277 to 282 rewrite sections 34 and 35 of ICTA. Sections 34 and 35 of ICTA treat premiums and certain other amounts in respect of leases as rent. In sections 277 to 282, a person who receives a premium, or an amount treated as a premium in section 34 or 35 of ICTA, is instead treated as entering into a transaction mentioned in section 264 (if the land to which the lease relates is in the United Kingdom) or in section 265 (if the land is outside the United Kingdom). This gives rise to a UK or overseas property business (as defined in sections 264 and 265) if the recipient is not already carrying on such a business.

251.Sections 277 to 282 then require the recipient to bring an amount in respect of the premium or other amount payable under the lease into account as a receipt in calculating the profits of his or her property business.

252.Section 87(2) of ICTA treats a tenant who occupies land for the purposes of a trade as paying rent. This corresponds to the treatment in sections 34 and 35 of ICTA of a landlord who receives a premium, or an amount treated as a premium, as rent.

253.Subsection (1) instead treats the tenant as incurring an expense in respect of the land subject to the taxed lease. This corresponds to the treatment of the premium or other amount in respect of the land as a receipt in calculating the profits of the landlord’s property business in sections 277 to 282 of this Act.

254.Section 87 of ICTA says that the tenant is treated as paying rent for the purposes of making deductions in calculating the profits of a trade. But the tenant is only entitled to a deduction if at least some of the property is used for the purposes of the trade. So subsection (3) defines a qualifying day as a day on which the tenant occupies all or a part of the land subject to the taxed lease for the purposes of carrying on a trade.

255.The formula in subsection (4) calculates the expense for each qualifying day by spreading the amount of the taxed receipt evenly over the receipt period of that receipt. Defining “A” in that formula as “the unreduced amount of the taxed receipt” makes clear that the amount of the expense which the tenant is treated as incurring for each qualifying day is calculated by reference to the amount of the taxed receipt before any reductions or deductions.

256.Subsection (5) modifies that formula for a qualifying day on which the tenant occupies only part of the land subject to the taxed lease for the purposes of a trade.

257.Section 87(3) of ICTA requires a “just apportionment” to be made where part only of the land subject to the lease is used for the purposes of the trade. Subsection (5) instead requires the fraction of the land which is occupied by the tenant for the purposes of the trade to be calculated “on a just and reasonable basis”. See Change 14 in Annex 1.