Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Trading income

Chapter 2: Income taxed as trade profits
Section 7: Income charged

50.This section sets out the amount charged to tax. It is based on section 60(1) and (2) of ICTA (United Kingdom trades) and sections 65(3) and 68(1) of ICTA (foreign trades). See Change 1 in Annex 1.

51.Subsection (2) makes the link to basis periods. Although the charge to tax under subsection (1) is on the profits of the tax year, traders calculate commercial profit by reference to their period of account. The basis period rules identify the profits that are taxed as the profits of the tax year.

52.In most cases the basis of assessment for the profits of a foreign trade is the same as that for a trade carried on wholly or partly in the United Kingdom. So the charge is on the full amount of the profits of the tax year (subsection (1)).

53.In the case of Irish income, section 68 of ICTA has two special rules.

54.First, section 68(3)(b) of ICTA allows the inspector to direct that the income should be assessed on the basis of an average of a period. And the subsection allows the Commissioners to review the inspector’s decision. This rule is a relic of the tax system before Self Assessment. It is not rewritten.

55.Second, section 68(3) of ICTA provides that the income is computed as if it had arisen in the United Kingdom. In practice this rule puts Irish trading income on the same basis as other foreign trading income. So this second special rule for Irish income is not rewritten.