Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Trading income

Chapter 15: Basis periods
Section 200: Second tax year

827.This section gives the rules that apply to the second year of trading. It is based on sections 60(3)(a) and (b), 61(2) and 63 of ICTA.

828.It makes explicit what is merely implicit in the source legislation. It covers several possible cases and a separate subsection addresses each.

829.Subsection (4) applies only when there is no accounting date in the second year and the accounting dates in the first and third years are the same. When there is no accounting date in the second year and the accounting dates in the first and third years are not the same there is a change of accounting date and section 214(3) applies to give a notional accounting date for the second year. Under section 197 that is treated as an accounting date for the purpose of the Chapter 15 rules and section 200(2) or (3) then determines the basis period for the second year depending on when the notional accounting date falls.