Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Trading income

Chapter 15: Basis periods
Section 216: Change of accounting date in later tax year

879.This section applies to changes of accounting date occurring at any time after the third year, other than in the final year. It is based on sections 62(1), (2) and (3) and 63 of ICTA.

880.Changes of accounting date are normally effective for tax purposes and the basis period then aligns with accounts prepared to the new accounting date. But exceptionally, changes of accounting date will not be effective for tax purposes and then the basis period becomes out of step with the period of account.

881.Subsections (2) and (3) give the main change of accounting date rule. When a change is effective for tax purposes the basis period simply aligns with the new accounting date in the year of change.

882.Both subsections refer to section 217 that sets out the conditions that a change must meet to be effective for tax purposes.

883.When subsection (3) applies, the basis period for the year of change will be longer than 12 months.

884.Subsection (4) preserves the old basis period, notwithstanding the change of accounting date, when, exceptionally the conditions in section 217 are not met. This means that apportionment of the profits of the periods of account to the basis period is required.