Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Trading income

Chapter 15: Basis periods
Section 215: Change of accounting date in third tax year

876.This section is the first of two sections that deal with a change of accounting date in particular years and for which special rules are required. It is based on sections 62(1) and (2)(b) and 63 of ICTA.

877.The approach in the change of accounting date sections follows that adopted in the earlier sections: that the general rule in section 198 applies unless a specific rule applies. A specific rule will apply when the basis period must be different from that which would be given by the general rule or when additional conditions apply.

878.In a continuing trade, specific rules will always apply to years in which a change of accounting date occurs after the third year (see section 216). This is because conditions have to be met for changes of accounting date in those years to be effective for tax purposes (see the commentary on section 216 and section 217). But for changes in the second and third years there are no conditions and the general rule will often apply. Section 215 deals with the case where the general rule does not apply in the third year.