Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Trading income

Chapter 13: Deductions from profits: unremittable amounts
Section 191: Withdrawal of relief

782.This section sets out the circumstances in which relief is withdrawn and the machinery by which it is withdrawn. It is based on ESC B38.

783.Subsection (2) lists the events that trigger a withdrawal of the relief. Paragraphs (a) and (d) deal with the straightforward cases in which the amount, or part of it, ceases to be unremittable or is exchanged for an amount that can be remitted. Paragraphs (b), (c), (e) and (f) deal with the events listed in section 190 that would have prevented relief being given if they had occurred before the deduction was allowed.

784.Paragraph (f) deals with the case of insurance recoveries. It differs from the approach in the extra-statutory concession, which denies any relief if the debt is insured. This Chapter denies or recovers relief only if an insurance recovery is received (see the commentary on section 190). This follows the approach in section 843 when a payment is received from the Exports Credit Guarantee Department. See part (C) Change 50 in Annex 1.

785.Subsection (3) sets out the way the relief is recovered. The amount identified in subsection (2) is treated as a trade receipt for the period of account in which the event occurs. It is possible more than one event will apply to the same amount. Subsection (3)(b) ensures the relief is withdrawn only once.

786.Subsection (4) applies if the amount of the insurance recovery is less than the amount that is unremittable. In that case the amount of the recovery is limited to the amount of the insurance recovery.