Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Paragraph 352(3): paragraph 18 of Schedule 30 to ICTA

3481.This amendment repeals paragraph 18 of Schedule 30 to ICTA.

3482.Paragraph 18 of Schedule 30 to ICTA is a transitional measure that applies to stock relief. Stock relief was available under different schemes from 1976 to 1984. It was given as a deduction in computing trade profits. Although FA 1984 abolished stock relief with effect from 12 March 1984 it allowed any unused relief to be carried forward and deducted in later years. The relief brought forward has to be used in the first tax year that has the capacity to absorb it. Paragraph 10 of Schedule 9 to FA 1981 provided that any unused relief brought forward which is not used in six years would be lost.

3483.It was necessary to preserve the transitional right to deducted unused relief brought forward when ICTA consolidated the earlier legislation in 1988. But this transitional measure is no longer required.

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