Explanatory Notes

Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002

2002 CHAPTER 41

7 November 2002

Commentary on Sections

Part 1: Nationality

Section 3: Citizenship ceremony, oath and pledge

24.Section 3 introduces Schedule 1, which amends the current provisions in the BNA 1981 about naturalisation and registration procedure.

25.Paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 replaces section 42 of the BNA 1981 with provision requiring persons, except minors, who are naturalised or registered as British citizens, to attend citizenship ceremonies and make a citizenship pledge as well as the existing oath. It also extends to applicants for British overseas territories citizenship the requirement to make a pledge. The Secretary of State is given a discretion to disapply these requirements in particular cases.

26.Paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 replaces Schedule 5 to the BNA 1981. It introduces a new “citizenship oath and pledge” which is to be taken by applicants for registration or naturalisation as British citizens and British overseas territories citizens. The citizenship oath and pledge consists of the existing oath of allegiance with the addition of a pledge. The pledge for those becoming British citizens states that the person will respect the rights and freedoms of the United Kingdom, and will uphold its democratic values, observe its laws and fulfil the duties and obligations of citizenship. Applicants becoming British overseas territories citizens will instead pledge loyalty to the relevant British overseas territory.

27.Paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 amends the existing regulation-making power in subsection 41(1)(d) of the BNA 1981 to enable regulation of the timing of attendance at a citizenship ceremony and the taking of the citizenship oath and pledge, the content and conduct of the citizenship ceremony, the completion and grant of a certificate of registration or naturalisation, and certain other related matters.

28.Paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 enables the Secretary of State to make regulations about the persons who shall be authorised to conduct citizenship ceremonies and to require local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland to provide facilities for the conduct of such ceremonies.

29.Paragraph 8 allows the Secretary of State to reimburse local authorities for the cost of carrying out citizenship ceremonies.