Capital Allowances Act 2001 Explanatory Notes

Section 219: Meaning of “finance lease”

798.This is the first of a group of nine sections which deal with transactions involving finance leases. It is based on part of section 82A of CAA 1990. It defines “finance lease” for the purposes of this Chapter.

799.The definition relies on the treatment of the lease in the accounts which is required under normal accountancy practice. Subsection (2) makes clear that this test is applied as if the lessor and connected persons were United Kingdom companies. See Note 39 in Annex 2.

800.Subsection (3) defines “accounts” for this section. It means that the accountancy treatment test must be applied also to the consolidated accounts of any group to which the lessor belongs or would, under United Kingdom company law, belong if it were a United Kingdom company.

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