

SCHEDULE 31Repeals and revocations

Part IIIRoad user charging and workplace parking levy

ChapterShort titleExtent of repeal
1999 c. 29.Greater London Authority Act 1999.

In Schedule 23—

  • paragraph 4(3)(e),

  • in paragraph 25(1), paragraph (c) and the word “or” before it, and

  • in paragraph 38, the words “, exercisable in the same manner, and subject to the same conditions and limitations,”.

In Schedule 24—

  • in paragraph 1(1), in the definition of “licence”, the words “by the occupier of those premises” and the definition of “occupier”,

  • paragraph 7(3)(e), and

  • in paragraph 39, the words “, exercisable in the same manner, and subject to the same conditions and limitations,”.