
Part VOffences in relation to Postal Services

Additional protection for universal postal service

87Prohibition on misleading descriptions

(1)A person commits an offence if, without the authority of the universal service provider concerned, he places or maintains in or on any house, wall, door, window, box, post, pillar or other place belonging to him or under his control, any of the following words, letters or marks—

(a)the words “letter box” accompanied with words, letters or marks which signify or imply, or may reasonably lead the public to believe, that it is a universal postal service letter box, or

(b)any words, letters or marks which signify or imply or may reasonably lead the public to believe that any house, building, room, vehicle or place is a universal postal service post office, or that any box or receptacle is a universal postal service letter box.

(2)A person commits an offence if, without the authority of the universal service provider concerned, he—

(a)places or maintains in or on any ship, vehicle, aircraft or premises belonging to him or under his control, or

(b)uses in any document in relation to himself or any other person or in relation to any ship, vehicle, aircraft or premises,

any words, letters or marks which signify or imply, or may reasonably lead the public to believe, any of the things mentioned in subsection (3).

(3)The things are—

(a)that he or that other person is authorised by the universal service provider concerned to collect, receive, sort, deliver or convey postal packets in connection with the provision of a universal postal service,

(b)that the ship, vehicle, aircraft or premises are used by the universal service provider concerned for the purpose of collecting, receiving, sorting, delivering or conveying postal packets in connection with the provision of a universal postal service.

(4)A person commits an offence if, without reasonable excuse, he fails to comply with a notice given to him by the universal service provider concerned requiring him—

(a)to remove or efface any words, letters or marks which fall within subsection (1) or (2), or

(b)to remove or close up any letter box belonging to him or under his control which has ceased to be a universal postal service letter box.

(5)A person who commits an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.