Explanatory Notes

Postal Services Act 2000

2000 CHAPTER 26

28 July 2000

Commentary on Sections

Part VII Miscellaneous and Supplementary

Section 102: Power to ensure compliance with the Postal Services Directive

149.Section 102 provides a power for the Secretary of State to ensure compliance with the EU Postal Services Directive. The purpose of this power is to ensure that the Government’s obligations are always met, in particular in the event that the reserved area is removed and with it the ability to impose the universal service obligation and related requirements through licence conditions.

150.The power only applies where the Secretary of State is satisfied that a Community obligation under the Postal Services Directive is not being met or will not be met and where he has been unable to obtain any undertakings from any person which are sufficient to satisfy him that the situation will be remedied. In that case the Secretary of State may make by order such provision as he considers appropriate to ensure that a universal service is provided.

151.An order under this section may in particular: confer or modify the functions of the Commission or the Council; require a postal operator to provide all or part of a universal postal service; specify terms and conditions for such services; provide for payment from public funds for any purpose of the order; and for the enforcement of provisions in the order.

152.In deciding whether to make any such order the Secretary of State will have regard to the likely impact of the order on the person on whom the requirement is to be imposed. Before making such an order he will consult with any such person.