Part VIINorthern Ireland

Powers of arrest, search, &c.

88Examination of documents: procedure


Where a document or record is examined under section 87—


it shall not be photographed or copied, and


the person who examines it shall make a written record of the examination as soon as is reasonably practicable.


The record shall—


describe the document or record,


specify the object of the examination,


state the address of the premises where the document or record was found,


where the document or record was found in the course of a search of a person, state the person’s name,


where the document or record was found in the course of a search of any premises, state the name of a person appearing to the person making the record to be the occupier of the premises or to have had custody or control of the document or record when it was found,


where the document or record is removed for examination from the place where it was found, state the date and time when it was removed, and


where the document or record was examined at the place where it was found, state the date and time of examination.


The record shall identify the person by whom the examination was carried out—


in the case of a constable, by reference to his police number, and


in the case of a member of Her Majesty’s forces, by reference to his service number, rank and regiment.


Where a person makes a record of a search in accordance with this section, he shall as soon as is reasonably practicable supply a copy—


in a case where the document or record was found in the course of a search of a person, to that person, and


in a case where the document or record was found in the course of a search of any premises, to a person appearing to the person making the record to be the occupier of the premises or to have had custody or control of the document or record when it was found.