Terrorism Act 2000 Explanatory Notes


9.The Act’s Parts and Schedules are as follows.

  • Part I (Introductory) sets out the definition of terrorism for the purposes of the Act, repeals the PTA and, with Schedule 1, deals with the continuation of certain temporary provisions of the EPA until Part VII of the Act is brought into force.

  • Part II (Proscribed organisations) provides a power for the Secretary of State to proscribe organisations and sets out the associated offences. Schedule 2 lists the organisations which are currently proscribed and Schedule 3 details the functions of the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC) which the Act sets up.

  • Part III (Terrorist property) provides offences relating to fund-raising and other kinds of financial support for terrorism, together with power for a court to order forfeiture of any money or other property connected with the offences. Schedule 4 gives details of forfeiture procedures.

  • Part IV (Terrorist investigations) provides the police with a power to set up cordons. Schedule 5 sets out further powers to investigate terrorism by searching premises and seeking explanation of items found; and Schedule 6 provides a power to investigate terrorist finance based on an existing Northern Ireland power to investigate proceeds of crime.

  • Part V (Counter-terrorist powers) provides the police with powers to arrest and detain suspected terrorists, and broader powers to stop and search vehicles and pedestrians, and to impose parking restrictions. Schedule 7 provides examination powers at ports and borders; and Schedule 8 provides for the treatment of suspects who are detained and for judicial extension of the initial period of detention.

  • Part VI (Miscellaneous) provides ancillary offences of

    • weapons training for terrorist purposes, including recruitment for such training,

    • directing a terrorist organisation,

    • possessing articles for terrorist purposes,

    • possessing information for terrorist purposes, and

    • incitement of overseas terrorism.

    Part VI also includes provisions on extraterritorial jurisdiction and extradition which will enable the UK to ratify the UN Conventions for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.

  • Part VII (Northern Ireland) provides for the system of non-jury trials in Northern Ireland for the offences listed in Schedule 9. Together with Schedules 10–13, this Part also provides additional police and Army powers for Northern Ireland, and regulates the private security industry in Northern Ireland.

  • Part VIII (General) contains further technical provisions and includes a list of terms defined in the Act. Schedule 14 provides general powers for police, customs and immigration officers including powers for them to exchange information. Schedules 15 and 16 list consequential amendments and repeals.

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