Explanatory Notes

Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999

1999 CHAPTER 23

27 July 1999

Commentary on Sections

Part II: Giving of evidence or information for purposes of criminal proceedings

Chapter I: Special Measures directions in case of vulnerable or intimidated witnesses
Section 25: Evidence given in private

110.This section allows the courtroom to be cleared of people who do not need to be present while a witness gives evidence. The measure will only be available in a case involving a sexual offence or when the court is persuaded that someone has tried to intimidate, or is likely to try to intimidate, the witness. The direction will describe individuals or groups of people, rather than areas of the court, and will mostly affect those in the public gallery and the press gallery. The court will have to allow at least one member of the press to remain if one has been nominated by the press. The freedom of any member of the press who is excluded from the courtroom under this section to report the case will be unaffected, unless a reporting restriction is imposed separately.