SCHEDULE 3The Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland

Assistance by members of the police force



The Chief Constable may, on the application of the Ombudsman, provide members of the police force or other assistance for the purpose of enabling the Ombudsman to meet any special demand on his resources.


If it appears to the Secretary of State—


that it is expedient that members of the police force or other assistance should be provided for the purpose of enabling the Ombudsman to meet any special demand on his resources; and


that satisfactory arrangements under sub-paragraph (1) cannot be made, or cannot be made in time,

he may direct the Chief Constable to provide such members of the police force or other assistance for that purpose as may be specified in the direction.


Directions given under sub-paragraph (2) may be amended or revoked by the Secretary of State.


Before giving, amending or revoking any directions under this paragraph, the Secretary of State shall consult the Chief Constable and the Ombudsman.