SCHEDULE 3The Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland




The Ombudsman may, with the approval of the Secretary of State as to numbers and as to remuneration and other terms and conditions of service, employ such persons as he thinks fit to enable him to carry out his functions.


The Ombudsman may make arrangements for administrative, secretarial or other assistance to be provided for him by persons employed in the civil service.


Employment by the Ombudsman shall be included among the kinds of employment to which a scheme under section 1 of the [1972 c. 11.] Superannuation Act 1972 can apply and accordingly in Schedule 1 to that Act, at the appropriate place in the list of “Other Bodies” there shall be inserted—

Employment by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.


Where a person who is employed by the Ombudsman and is by reference to that employment a participant in a scheme under section 1 of the said Act of 1972 is appointed to the office of Ombudsman, the Minister for the Civil Service may determine that his service in that office may be treated for the purposes of the scheme as service as an employee of the Ombudsman; and his rights under the scheme shall not be affected by paragraph 2(1).


The [1972 NI 6.] Employers' Liability (Defective Equipment and Compulsory Insurance) (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 does not require insurance to be effected by the Ombudsman.