

SCHEDULE 22Disposals of land in case of certain schools and disposals on discontinuance

Part IIMaintained schools: disposals on discontinuance

Discontinuance of foundation, voluntary and foundation special schools: land

5(1)This paragraph applies where—

(a)proposals to discontinue a foundation, voluntary or foundation special school under section 29(1) or (2), section 31(1) or (2) or paragraph 5 of Schedule 7—

(i)have been approved or adopted under paragraph 3 or 8 of Schedule 6 or paragraph 8, 9 or 14 of Schedule 7, or

(ii)have been determined to be implemented under paragraph 4 or 9 of Schedule 6, or

(b)the Secretary of State has given a direction—

(i)under section 19(1) requiring a maintained school to be discontinued, or

(ii)under section 32(1) requiring a foundation special school to be discontinued.

(2)The governing body of the school shall apply to the Secretary of State for him to exercise his powers under sub-paragraph (4) below in relation to any land falling within paragraphs (a) to (f) of paragraph 1(1) which is held by them for the purposes of the school.

(3)Where the school is a member of the group for which a foundation body acts, the body shall apply to the Secretary of State for him to exercise his powers under sub-paragraph (4) below in relation to any land falling within paragraphs (a) to (f) of paragraph 2(1) which is held by it for the purposes of the schools comprising the group.

(4)On an application under sub-paragraph (2) or (3), the Secretary of State may do one or more of the following, namely—

(a)make any such requirement as is mentioned in paragraph 1(3)(a);

(b)direct the governing body or the foundation body, as the case may be, to pay, either to him or to such local authority as he may specify, the whole or any part of the value, as at the date of the direction, of the whole or any part of the land referred to in sub-paragraph (2) or (3), as the case may be; and

(c)in a case where the discontinuance of the school is connected with proposals under section 28 or 31 or paragraph 5 of Schedule 7 to establish, or to make a prescribed alteration to, any other school or schools, require the land or any part of the land to be transferred to the governing body of such maintained school or the temporary governing body of such new school as he may specify.

(5)Where the governing body or foundation body fail to make an application as required by sub-paragraph (2) or (3), as the case may be, the Secretary of State may nevertheless make any such requirement or give any such direction as is mentioned in sub-paragraph (4).

(6)Where the trustees of the school—

(a)dispose of any land falling within paragraph 3(1) or (2), or

(b)wish to use any such land for purposes not connected with the provision of education in maintained schools,

paragraph 3 shall apply to them.